Sunday 18 June 2017

garhwali grammer


Being part of the Indo-Aryan languages, Garhwali shares many elements of its grammar with other Indo-Aryan languages, especially RajasthaniKashmiri and Gujarati. It shares much of its grammar with the other Pahari languages like Kumaoni and Nepali. The peculiarities of grammar in Garhwali and other Central Pahari languages exist due to the influence of the ancient language of the Khasas, the first recorded inhabitants of the region and the root of Garhwali language.
In Garhwali the verb substantive is formed from the root ach, as in both Rajasthani and Kashmiri. In Rajasthani its present tense, being derived from the Sanskrit present rcchami, I go, does not change for gender. But in Pahari and Kashmiri it must be derived from the rare Sanskrit particle *rcchitas, gone, for in these languages it is a participial tense and does change according to the gender of the subject. Thus, in the singular we have: – Here we have a relic of the old Khasas language, which, as has been said, seems to have been related to Kashmiri. Other relics of Khasa, again agreeing with north-western India, are the tendency to shorten long vowels, the practice of epenthesis, the modification of a vowel by the one which follows in the next syllable, and the frequent occurrence of de-aspiration. Thus, Khas – siknu, Garhwali – sikhnu, but Hindi – sikhna, to learn; Garhwali – inu, plural – ina, of this kind.



Garhwali Pronouns

NominativeObliqueReflexivePossessive determinerPossessive pronoun
1st pers. sing.मीम्येतेम्यरम्ये
2nd pers. sing./pl.तुमत्वे/तुमतेतुमुरत्वे or तुमौ
3rd pers. sing.सिवीँवेसेवीँवेसेवीँवेसे
1st pers. pl.हमहमतेहमरहमौ
3rd pers. pl.उँतेउँऊँ

Garhwali Cases

WrittenSpoken (Low Speed)Spoken (fluently)


5पाँचpaanch or paa~/pʌ~ç/ or //pʌ~/


There are many differences from Hindi and other Indic languages, for example in the palatal approximant /j/, or the presence of a retroflex lateral /ɭ/.[citation needed] Garhwali also has different allophones.

Phone or Phonem

Monophonic vowels
There are many theories used to explains how many Monophthongs are used in the Garhwali language. The Non-Garhwali Indian scholars with some Garhwali scholars (who believes Garhwali as a dialect of Hindi) who follows Common Hindustani phonology argue that there are eight vowels found within the language are ə, ɪ, ʊ, ɑ, i, u, e, o. A Garhwali language scholar Mr. Bhishma Kukreti argues that /ɑ/ is not present in the language instead of it long schwa i.e. /ə:/ is used. Although it can be accepted that southern Garhwali dialects have uses of /ɑ/ instead /ə:/. If we follow his rule of vowel length we found that there are five vowels found in Garhwali. The three are ə, ɪ, ʊ with their vowel length as /ə:/, /ɪ:/, /ʊ:/. Other two /o/ & /e/ with no vowel length. But there are 13 vowels founded by Mr. Anoop Chandra Chandola[15] as follows /ə/, /ɪ/, /ʊ/, /ɑ/, /i/, /u/, /e/, /o/, /æ/, /ɨ/, /y/, /ɔ/, /ɯ/. His arguments can be accepted as universal (also /ɑ/ which is used only in Southern dialects but borrowed to Standard dialect for distinction purposes) . But Bhishma Kukreti's argument about vowel length is also accepted. Hence we concluded that Garhwali (Standard Garhwali in this mean) has twelve vowels (/ə/, /ɪ/, /ʊ/, /i/, /u/, /e/, /o/, /æ/, /ɨ/, /y/, /ɔ/, /ɯ/) where three has vowel length (/ə:/, /ɪ:/, /ʊ:/).
There are Diphthongs in the language which makes the words distinctive than other. However diphthongs vary dialect by dialect.
Diphthongs (IPA)Example (IPA)Glos
उइ /ui/कुइ /kui/anybody
इउ /iu/जिउ /ʤiu/Heart, mind
आइ /ai/काइ /bəkɑi/After-all, besides
अइ /əi/कइ /bəkəi/Balance
आउ /au/चाउ /bətʃou/Save (verb)
अउ /əu/चउ /bətʃəu/Safty
Triphthongs are less commonly found in the language. The most common word where a triphthong may occur is ह्वाउन [English: may be] /hɯɔʊn/ (in standard Garhwali) or /hɯaʊn/ (in some dialects). However many speakers can't realize the presence of triphthongs. Other triphthongs might be discovered if more academic research were done on the language.
Tenuis consonants
GPA (Garhwali Phonetic Alphabet) /IPA /Phoneme /IPA alternate/Phonemic categoryExample /<IPA Alternate>/ (<Description>)Hindustani language alternate of the word
क /kə/क् /k/voiceless velar stopळ्यो /kaɭyo/ (Literary meaning:- Breakfast)नाश्ता, कलेवा
ग /gə/ग् /g/voiced velar stopरु /gərʊ/ (Literary meaning:- Heavy weight)भारी
च /tʃə/च् //voiceless palato-alveolar affricateचिटु /iʈɔ/ (Literary meaning:- White; masculine)सफ़ेद, श्वेत
ज /ʤə/ज् //voiced palato-alveolar affricateज्वनि /ɯni/ (Literary meaning:- Youngage)जवानी, यौवन
ट /ʈə/ट् /ʈ/voiceless retroflex stopटिपुण् /ʈɨpɯɳ/ (Literary meaning:- to pick; a verb)चुगना, उठाना
ड /ɖə/ड् /ɖ/voiced retroflex stopडाळु /ɖɔɭʊ/ (standard) or /ɖaɭʊ/ (in some southern dialects),(Literary meaning:- Tree)डाल, पेड़, वृक्ष
त /tə/त् /t/voiceless dental stopतिमुळ /tɨmɯɭ/ ,(Literary meaning:- Moraceae or Fig; a fruit)अञ्जीर/अंजीर
द /də/द् /d/voiced dental stopदेस /deç/ ,(Literary meaning:- Foreign) [don't be confused with देस /des/; meaning "country" borrowed from Hindustani]विदेश, परदेस, बाहरला-देस
प /pə/प् /p/voiceless bilabial stopपुङ्गुड़ु /pʊŋuɽ, (Literary Meaning:- Farm or Field)खेत or कृषि-भुमि
ब /bə/ब् /b/voiced bilabial stopबाच /batʃə, (Literary Meaning:- Tongue, Phrasal & other meaning:- Voice)जीभ, जुबान, आवाज़
ल /lə/ल् /l/dental lateral approximantलाटु /lʌʈɔ/ (Literary meaning:- idiot or mad or psycho; when used in anger. insane; when used in pity or love)झल्ला, पागल
ळ /ɭə/ळ् /ɭ/retroflex lateral approximantगढ़वाळ् /gəɖwɔɭ/ (Literary meaning:- One who holds forts,Generally used for the land of Garhwallis People,or Garhwal)गढ़वाल
य /jə/य् /j/palatal approximantयार /jar/ (Literary meaning:- Friend, commonly used as vocative word)यार
व /wə/व् /w/labio-velar approximantबिस्वास /biswɔs/ (Literary meaning: Faith)विश्वास, भरोसा
म /mə/म् /m/bilabial nasalमुसु /mʊs/ (Literary meaning: Mouse)मूषक, चुहा
न /nə/न् /n/dental nasalनिकम् /nɨkəm/ (Literary meaning:- Useless, Worthless)बेकार, व्यर्थ
ण /ɳə/ण् /ɳ/retroflex nasalपाणि /pæɳ/ (Literary meaning:- Water)पानी
ङ /ɳə/ङ् /ɳ/velar nasalसोङ्ग or स्वाङ्ग /sɔɳ/ (Literary meaning:- Easy)सरल, आसान
ञ /ɲə/ञ् /ɲ/palatal nasalञ्चु /pʰəɲtʃɔ/ (Literary meaning:- Bundle or Bunch)पोटली
Aspirated consonants
य्, र्, ल्, ळ्, व्, स् and the nasal consonants (म्, न्, ञ्, ङ्, ण्) have no aspirated consonantal sound.
Alphabet /<IPA alternate>/Phoneme /<IPA alternate>/Example /<IPA alternate>/ (<Description>)Hindustani language alternate of the word
ख /kʰə/ख् //खार्यु /ɔryʊ/ (Literary meaning:- Enough, Sufficient)नीरा, पर्याप्त, खासा
घ /gʰə/घ् //घंघतौळ /ɔŋgtoɭə/ (Literary meaning:- Confusion)दुविधा
छ /tʃʰə/छ् /tʃʰ/छज्जा /tʃʰəʤə/ (Literary meaning:- Balcony,Gallery)ओलती, छज्जा
झ /dʒʰə/झ् /dʒʱ/झसक्याण /dʒʱəskæɳ/ (Literary meaning:- to be scared)डर जाना
थ /tʰə/थ् //थुँथुरु /ɯ~tʊr/ (Literary meaning: Chin)ठोड़ी
ध /dʰə/ध् //धागु /ɔgʊ/ (Literary meaning: Tag or thread)धागा
ठ /ʈʰə/ठ् /ʈʰ/ठुङ्गार /ʈʰɯɳʌr/ (Literary meaning: Snacks)स्नैक्स्, नमकीन
ढ /ɖʰə/ढ् /ɖʱ/ढिकणु /ɖʱikəɳʊ/ (Literary meaning: Coverlet)ओढने की चादर
फ /pʰə/फ् //फुकाण /ʊkaɳ/ (Literary meaning:- Destruction)नाश
भ /bʰə/भ् //भौळ or भ्वळ /ɔɭə/ (Literary meaning:- Tomorrow)कल (आने वाला)


The Garhwali speakers are most familiar with allophones in the Garhwali language. For example,  (IPA //) is used as फ in the word फूळ (IPA /pʰu:ɭ/ English: flower) but pronounced as  (IPA /p/) in the word सफेद (IPA /səpet/, English: "white").
Allophones of aspirated consonants
Conversion to tenuis consonant or loss of aspiration
Almost every aspirated consonant exhibits allophonic variation. Each aspirated consonant can be converted into the corresponding tenuis consonant. This can be called loss of aspiration.
Alphabet /IPA/Phoneme /IPA/Allophone /IPA/Example /IPA/ (Description)Hindustani language alternate of the word
ख /kʰə/ख् //क् [k]रेण [ukreɳ] (Literary meaning:- pass away or die)गुजर जाना
घ /gʰə/घ् //ग् [g]ड़ण [ugəɽɳ] (Literary meaning:- to open or to release)खोलना, विमोचन
थ /tʰə/थ् //त् [t]थुँथुरु [tʰɯ~tʊr] (Literary meaning:- Chin)ठोड़ी
फ /pʰə/फ् //प् [p]रण [upə:ɳ] (Literary meaning:- to unbind or to undo or to unlace)खोलना, विमोचन (बंधी हुइ चीज़ को खोलना)
Allophone of छ
Alphabet /<IPA alternate>/Phoneme /<IPA Alternate>/AllophoneExample /<IPA Alternate>/ (<Description>)Hindustani Language Alternate of the word
छ /tʃʰə/छ् /tʃʰ/स़् [ç]न्नी [çəːni] (Literary meaning:- Shed; but used specially for cattle-shed, some southern dialects sometime use छ as an pure phonem so words like छन्नी pronounced as छन्नी or as स़न्नी)छावनी,पशु-शाला
छ /tʃʰə/छ् /tʃʰ/च़् [c]छ्वाड़ [cɔɽ] (Literary meaning:- Bank, Side)छोर, किनारा
Allophones of tenuis consonants
Conversion from voiced to voiceless consonant
A few of the tenuis consonants have allophonic variation. In some cases, a voiced consonant can be converted into the corresponding voiceless consonant.
Alphabet /<IPA alternate>/Phoneme /<IPA Alternate>/AllophonePhonemic Category of AllophoneExample /<IPA Alternate>/ (<Description>)Hindustani Language Alternate of the word
ग /gə/ग् /g/क् [k]voiceless velar stopकथु [kətuk] ,(Literary meaning:- How much)कितना
द /də/द् /d/त् [t]voiceless dental stopसफे [səpet] ,(Literary meaning:- White)सफेद
ड् /ɖə/ड् /ɖ/ट् [ʈ]voiceless retroflex stopपरचण्ड [pərətʃəɳʈ] ,(Literary meaning:- fierce)प्रचण्ड
ब /bə/ब् /b/प् [p]voiceless bilabial stopखरा [kʰərap] ,(Literary meaning:- Defective)खराब
Other allophones
Alphabet /<IPA alternate>/Phoneme /<IPA alternate>/AllophonePhonemic category of allophoneExample /<IPA alternate>/ (<Description>)Hindustani language alternate of the word
ज /ʤə/ज् /ʤ/य़् [j]palatal approximantजुग्गा [jɯggə] ,(Literary meaning:- Able)योग्य, क़ाबिल
स /sə/स् /s/स़् [ç]voiceless palatal fricative(a) सि [çɨ] (Literary meaning:- This), (b) देस /deç/ (Literary meaning:- Foreign)(a) यह (b)बाहरला-देस, परदेस
च /tʃə/च् /tʃ/च़् [c]voiceless palatal stopचाप [capə] (Literary meaning:- Anger)कोप, गुस्सा
In grammatical numbers
Singular (written) /IPA/Singular (spoken)Plural (written and spoken)
किता /kitʌb/किता /kitʌp/कितबि /kitəbi/
जुरा /ʤurʌb/जुरा /ʤurʌp/जुरबि /ʤurəbi/


Garhwali exhibits deep Assimilation (phonology) features. Garhwali has schwa deletion during sandhi, as in Hindi, but in other assimilation features it differs from Hindi. An example is the phrase राधेस्याम. When we write this separately, राधे & स्याम (IPA:- /rəːdʰe/ & /syəːm/) it retains its original phonetic feature, but when assimilated it sounds like रास्स्याम /rəːssyəːm/ or राद्स़्याम /rəːdçyəːm/.

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